Month: March 2012


My friend is enduring a brutal divorce. His wife has been unfaithful, and now she’s attacking his character and draining their savings as their case lumbers through the courts. Every kind gesture is thrown back in his face, either with curses or as a way to wrangle more from the divorce settlement.

And yet something strange—something supernatural—is going on within…

upstairs downstairs

Walk into her house and a showcase living room quickly commands your attention. Ornate, expensive furniture populates rooms tastefully embellished with understated artwork. A lavish floral arrangement adorns a perfectly lit breakfast nook.

But no one ever sits on the furniture. The flower-shaped soaps in the soap dish never clean anyone’s hands; the towels in the kitchen and bathroom don’t…

you choose Q: is psalm 23:4 referring to when we die?

Q: Is Psalm 23:4 referring to when we die?  —Sally

A: Using the images of a shepherd caring for his sheep (Psalm 23:1-4), and a gracious host caring for his guests (Psalm 23:5-6), David testified of God’s constant care and persistent protection and provisions. David affirmed God’s providential presence in the midst of adversity. Without a doubt, Psalm 23 is…

real deal

Named for its two creators, the Johari Window (named after Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham) presents the four “window panes” of our concept of self: (1) what we and others see; (2) what we see but others do not; (3) what others see but remains unseen to us; (4) what neither we nor others can see.

Although developed from a…

be amazed

—copy and design submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel

March 19, 2012

How have you experienced the reality of “generational sin”? What can be done to change the ongoing presence of sin in a family line?

why faith?

In an interview, pop music star Katy Perry stated that she wasn’t thrilled with her strict religious upbringing. “I didn’t have a childhood,” she lamented. “I’ve always been the kid who’s asked ‘Why?’ In my faith, you’re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like . . . why? At this point, I’m just kind of a drifter…

high price of forgiveness

In 2004, Iranian Ameneh Bahrami rejected Majid Movahedi’s marriage proposal. Days later, Movahedi attacked her, throwing acid in her face. Disfigured and blinded, she will always carry the scars of the crime.

A court ruled that the penalty for the brutal attack would be an “eye-for-an-eye retribution.” This meant that Movahedi was to be subdued, anesthetized, and then five drops…

money and happiness

How much money does one need to be happy? According to a study from Princeton University, it’s $75,000 (US dollars) a year. The study claims that the lower a person’s annual income falls below that benchmark, the unhappier he or she will be.

At a recent trip to a rural district in Thailand, however, I saw a lady peddling snacks…

calm in tough times

There are a couple of things that I've learned recently. One is that no matter when and where, you should always trust God. Things can seem really, really bleak at times. Nothing in your mind is saying “it’s gonna work out,” but God has His ways. Seriously. There are far too many things to worry about and the problem that you're…

true humility

The story is told of a man who was so humble that his city council decided to honor him with a medallion for his humility. A week after the award ceremony, the award had to be withdrawn. Much to the embarrassment of the council, the man had brashly worn the medallion everywhere he went.

This humorous story reminds me of what mystery…

you choose Q: what do you think of the principles of law of attraction in the book The Secret? Does it conform to what the Bible says?

Q: What do you think of the principles of law of attraction in the book The Secret? Does it conform to what the Bible says?  —Cass

A: Cass, thank you for your question. It’s clear that you’ve put some thought into this.

I have read The Secret, but it has been years, so I’m not going to review it here. However,…

a fresh start

—submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel, US

extravagant devotion

What is Jesus worth to you? Most Christians would answer, “Everything.” But if He were here in the flesh, would you sell all your possessions and throw Him a $50,000 party? Would you sell a prized family heirloom to fill His house with a million roses?

We can hardly imagine Jesus accepting such generosity, especially in a world of hungry people.…

you choose Q: what scientists say about evolution contradicts the Bible—what's the answer?

Q: What scientists say about the theory of evolution is clearly contrary to what the Bible says about creation, and no evidence points our way. What is your advice concerning this subject?  —Jonathan

A: Let’s assume, purely for the sake of argument, that scientists discover the “missing links” in the fossil record that would support the evolutionary model. We would still…

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